Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Camping I LOVE thee
Especially on the Coast
Beach 4 First Next Year!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kiddo Update

Wyatt Scott:

-Currently loving Minihawks Daycamp where he gets to play soccer, basketball, and baseball. He says basketball is his favorite, though he does look sharp on the soccer field.

-Also currently taking Taekwondo (he got two months free at the MLT carnival) which is definitely challenging his discipline and attention span. He is excelling though - just yesterday he taught me a kata (series of blocks, kicks, and punches) that he has been learning. We also practiced his sit-ups, and he amazingly did 20 FULL SITUPS! I kid you not. It was impressive!

-Yesterday evening we went down to Ballinger Lake at sunset so Daddy could snap some pictures, and Wyatt took along some paper and a pen. He ran out to the dock, scouted a good spot, and sketched out a "lighthouse" (really a cell tower, but it did have a flashing red light at the top), the moon, and a fishing boat on the water. He also drew some ducks, the setting sun, and some lily pads from a second vantage point. His attention to detail, and his desire to create a picture reminded me at once of his father and his Nino.

-Has been very inquisitive (and combative) lately. He is constantly asking "Why this, why that?" It is definitely a challenge that is keeping me on my toes. Oh, how ready he is for kindergarten!

-Picked out a red backpack with a snake on it for school. It definitely made an impression on him when Nino told him that you can hunt snakes in the desert and eat them. He still talks about going and doing just that, and cannot wait for the camping trip we have planned next week!

-Is reading simple words, and spelling words by himself - Dad, Mom, Avatar, cat, etc. He is also counting to 100, adding and subtracting (sometimes in his head!), and telling time on a digital clock (this morning "Mom, it's 8:48! We need to go!").

Penelope Grace:

-Is clapping, blowing kisses (I adore this!), feeding herself, holding her own sippy cup, and waving (two ways - by flapping her arm up and down, or by opening and closing her hand)!

-Is army crawling all over the place, and working on regular crawling more and more. She can go about 4 paces up on all fours, but she prefers her fast scoot on her tummy.

-She strengthens her core and practices for crawling by pulling herself up into the plank position (yes, exactly as in yoga). She will stay in that position for up to 20 seconds at a time, sometimes pulling her knees in to crawl, sometimes not.

-Has now sat up from her tummy about 4 times, and is getting better at it all the time. She also is trying to pull up to standing from a sit, but hasn't quite gotten it. Though, once she's standing she is incredibly stable! She's also a little daredevil (or just completely unaware of the danger), and will let go of what she's holding onto in order to grab an interesting object.

-She is definitely gaining command over her body and you can tell that she is delighted with it! She may have gotten a delayed start what with all the tummy issues she had at the beginning, but she is on a roll now!

-One funny thing she likes to do is grab her legs and pull herself into a ball. You can pick her up and she will keep that position too! She loves her legs!

-She loves teddy bears! She currently has two (Wyatt's Deputy Bear that he said she could use, and Butterscotch.) She cuddles to sleep with them, babbles to them, and carries them everywhere! It is very sweet.

-Is babbling "baba" which sometimes we think means Brother, and sometimes Mama, "dada", "ssshhh", "lala", "gaga", and any combination of these.

-Is definitely more giggly now. She LOVES peekaboo with Wyatt, and is good at seeking him out when he ducks to hide, loves tickles and raspberries, and dancing and spinning.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Today is Jed and my sixth wedding anniversary. So, I would like to recount 6 special ways in which my husband is dear to me. Here goes:

1) He is a true Food Lover. A foodie, if you will. Now, I know - lots of people love food, you say. Well, I find that many people say they are, but then they list off all the foods they dislike and sometimes I am left wondering what it is they do eat. Jed is adventuresome with food. He enjoys cooking. He loves venturing with me into cuisines unknown. We are truly a perfect match in this regard. I can think of only 2 foods that he has ever said he disliked - peas (now he loves them) and raisins (to his credit he will eat them if they are baked into muffins or cookies, though he still considers them a waste of a grape). Some of my favorite memories with him involve our food ventures (lots successful, though a few very memorable mishaps).

2) He is Artistic. Whether it be in acting, photographing, brainstorming stories with me, video making, telling jokes, or creating something with his hands - he inspires me. His drive for creation, his vision for projects, and his encouragement for me when I am unsure is unwavering. He is a visionary - always doubting, always striving for something better. His flame fuels my fire.

3) He is Courageous. He sees something he wants, and he goes after it. It has served him well at work, where he continues to seek any and all training in his field. Even though he is one of the youngest techs at work, he is often asked to train others, or to head up projects. It served him well when he decided to buy a house at 22. And let's be honest - it paid off when he got to marry me, right? ha ha

4) He is fun-loving. A natural entertainer. The life of the party. Need I say more?

5) He is Dedicated. To me. To our children. Some of it may be pure stubbornness, but then that makes two of us.

6) He is Supportive. Not only in the literal sense, but also in the take-the-time-to-find-what-you-love, and I-believe-in-you-and-your-ability, and I-may-not-understand-it-or-agree-but-okay-I'm-right-there-beside-you sense. Who could ask for more?

I love you Honey. Thank you for all you do. Happy Anniversary!

Friday, August 13, 2010

We Love the Park!

This summer I have tried to take the kids to the park a couple times a week. We love the free lunchtime shows that Lynnwood and Shoreline host and have been to many, but we also have been exploring new parks. It's the perfect entertainment: lots of room to run and explore, fun playgrounds, sunshine, other kids to play with, and best of all - it's FREE!

Today Diana introduced us to Volunteer Park in Seattle. If you've never been I highly recommend it! There is a gigantic wading pool, a playground with some unique equipment, acres and acres of lawn, the Botanical Gardens, the Seattle Asian Art Museum, a path around an aquifer which would be fun for bikes and scooters, and right next door is Lakeview Cemetery.

Now before you shudder, let me tell you that it is a heritage cemetery; one of the oldest in the area and many of the tombstones denote how times have changed from past generations. For example, Diana was telling me that many of the women's tombstones do not even state their given names, but rather say things like "Mrs. John Smith". Crazy right? Also, Bruce Lee and his son Brandon Lee are buried there.

Also nearby are some good restaurants if you're inclined to partake. Diana and I split a shrimp salad from Olympic Pizza today which was delicious! She also says Coastal Kitchen is a great place to eat, so I plan to try it out with Jed sometime. Apparently they have a rotating menu from places around the world, so you could pretend you're in Greece for example (their current festival menu)!

All in all, it was a perfect summer day with three of my favorite people in the world. Here are some pics:

Godmom and daughter! We love this lady!

Water fun! Nell was a little iffy about the water at first...

...but then she loved it! She giggled and splashed and had a grand old time!

She'll be a fish in no time, just like Wyatt!

My cuties.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting back to Center

It has been a long time coming, but tonight I finally made it to the Meditation Center I had been meaning to check out for over a year. I got there a little late because I had to feed and change Penelope beforehand, but I was immediately welcomed with smiles when I arrived. We went through some stretches and breathing exercises first, and then the teacher monk came in and guided us through visualization meditation.

First he showed us a diagram of the 6 stations of the mind (the sixth being at the Center of the body; the resting place of the mind) and explained to us how to focus on and draw our minds inward and down to center. He asked us to visualize a pure clear crystal sphere, filled with light just above the navel, and asked us to observe it. He talked us through some visualizations and then we began silent meditation.

It was difficult for me at first to quiet my mind. It was the first time I had left Jed to put Penelope down to bed, and it was nerve-wracking for me. Even though I knew I had done everything I could have done up to the point of rocking her and putting her in bed. After a few minutes though I was able to let go of my anxiety and focus on the tip of my nose (the first station of the mind). Once I had steadied my mind there, I slowly directed my mind through the other stations to Center. It was an interesting sensation to have my mind dark and quiet through the first five stations, and then to reach Light at my Center. I felt myself sort of slowly sinking (though not unpleasantly) and then all of a sudden there was this bright spiraling light in my mind's eye. At the same time I felt heat radiating out from my belly. The sensation was so startling that I forgot to just observe and my mind shot right back up into my throat and stuck there. It literally felt as if the crystal sphere was lodged at the base of my tongue, and it was hard to swallow. My mind rubberbanded between my throat and my Center a few times. It seems interesting to me now that my mind should stick at that station in particular. I know that I hold my tension and stress in my shoulders and neck, but I have also lately been feeling blocked from expressing myself fully, and my words have been more harsh (especially with Wyatt)...

The monk said it was very important not to force the mind to center because the mind will want to resist, but then also not to be too soft and drift off to sleep. He said it is important to observe your Center, your Light, and be attentive to it.

During the times when I was able to attentively observe my Light I felt my heart and my crown chakras being very weightless and open. I felt a direct connection to God.

There is no other way to describe it. I know that some of you will read this and roll your eyes, but right now I am unconcerned with that.

Lately I have felt so hungry, and yet food has been unable to sate me. I am not exaggerating when I say that my soul was starving for connection. So often I feel that the connection needs to be made with another person - namely the one person who I have chosen to make my life with. Unfortunately a connection of this sort has seemed nearly impossible lately. Tonight reminded me that He sustains me. That where the physical world fails to come through, He always does. When I get back to Center, I always find God. Tonight, my soul was fed.

The monk gave us homework: Ten Items of Meditation Homework. There are two items which I particularly like right now:

1.) Take one minute of every hour to focus on the Light at the Center of your Being.

2.) Make the world a nicer place to live in by smiling and "speaking in an endearing way". (Don't you love it?)

I hope to go this next Tuesday again, and as often as life allows, but I'm not going to starve myself again. I plan to practice a little every day - if only for a minute an hour.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This time last year

I love this picture.