Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This Old House...

This is what my kitchen looks like currently...

...and the hole is about to get a LOT bigger. Don't you LOVE surprises?!

So last week we got a call from Jennifer who said that their neighbor John was remodeling his kitchen and would we like any of his old cabinetry? Initially, we thought no. We should have stuck with our initial instincts. But, we got to thinking that it would be nice to have a dishwasher (yes, apparently we do live in the dark ages - we don't have cell phones either). Innocently, we mused it would be easy enough to take one drawer unit to replace the one that would need to be ripped out so a dishwasher could be installed. The new drawer unit would fit nicely in the empty space between the oven and back door. Easy as pie, we thought.

Then we scoured Craigslist and found a "Like New" dishwasher for less than a Ben Franklin, and our confidence soared! "Hooray!" We thought, "Aren't we thrifty?"

Well, Jed started demo on the existing cupboard, and while emptying out the contents from under the sink he discovered dry rot. Not only has it completely destroyed the sink cabinet, but it also goes down through the subfloor and the floorboards and also has rotted out the foundation header.


Oh, and the oven fell out. Yes, you read right. Apparently, the people who installed it didn't think it needed to be bolted in place. They also didn't think the 220 circuit needed a box either!

Thankfully, the oven didn't suffer much damage, and I am happy that we didn't discover the bolting issue in another unfortunate way. (Can we say earthquake?)

For now we are just doing damage control, so for awhile my kitchen is going to be even MORE of an eyesore than it already was!

Ha ha ha...

I had thought it couldn't get any worse. Silly me!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten!

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Tuesday came too quickly for me. Wyatt was excited and nervous. All smiles and excited chatter one minute, but then quiet and wide-eyed the next.
We set out his clothes together the night before:
New "I do all my own stunts" shirt, graphic grey pants with the skull keyfob, and green dinosaur galoshes.
He woke up at 7:00 and was dressed and washed up without any help at all. He really is a big boy now.
Breakfast was homemade waffles (his favorite), scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, and sliced canteloupe. I always make too much food when I'm nervous. Poor kid probably wasn't even hungry at lunchtime!
We walked down to the bus stop at 8am. Watching him get on was both nerve-wracking and exciting for me. I struggled to hold back my tears as he turned to wave goodbye, grinning from ear to ear.
Nell and I rushed back up the hill to race the bus to school, and when I came out of the breezeway Wyatt was already off the bus. He ran toward me, backpack slung over one shoulder.
"That was AWESOME!" he proclaimed.
He strode ahead of me in the throng of kids, already confident in his surroundings.
We walked into his class and he hung up his coat and backpack on his assigned hook, and sat down at his desk. After a minute he got up and retrieved a book from the bookshelf: Cats and Dogs. I finished unloading his supplies in the marked bins, and then knelt down beside his desk and helped him read. It wasn't until we were done with the book that he began to show signs of nervousness. I tried to help introduce him to his desk mates and he threw his hands up over his face, saying "I'm just SHY Mom!"
Luckily, Logan and Rowan from preschool are in his class, and he got up to say hi to them.
There were about 7 other parents and I hanging around as the bell rang. Taking pictures, putting away supplies, but mostly just having a hard time letting go, I think. Mrs. Engbert said to the kids "I see there are still quite a few parents here, so I want all of you to wave goodbye
and tell them it will be okay."
None of the kids cried, but many of us parents were misty-eyed.
As I walked back to my car I relished the weight of Penelope in the nook of my elbow. She waved and smiled at me.
Back at home lil sis definitely noticed brother's absence as we played and (tried to) nap. She kept on looking down the hall expectantly. When we went back at 3:00 to make sure Wyatt got on the right bus she grinned at him and blew him kiss after kiss. Even at barely 1 year old they are so very aware!
We raced the bus home again and got to the stop just as the bus was pulling away. Wyatt was standing with Cheryl and her boys looking slightly worried.
"How was your day Bud?!" I asked, wrapping him in my arms.
"Good!" he said. Tired boy.
We had a snack and chatted about our day (his lunch was mostly uneaten - "I was a little nervous," he said). He told me about multi-colored apple slices at snack time, 2 storytimes, and 3 recesses. He played with Zeke, Cameron, Logan, and Rowan.
Then it was quiet time as I put Nell down, and when I checked on him 15 minutes later, he was
zonked out, his arms curled around Tabby.
Later, we made chocolate chip cookies with walnuts and cinnamon to celebrate his big day, and had one of his favorites (Taco Tuesday) for dinner!