My, how time has flown by! Our little Sweet Pepper has just passed the 9 month mark! She is so completely different from how Wyatt was, and is.
Here are some fun comparisons:
Wyatt had greenish-brown eyes until about 4 months, and then they turned brown. He had sideburns and what we called a full head of black hair at birth. It gradually grew in and turned brown. It was fairly thin and silky until we started shaving it, and now it is a thick brown mop with some lighter brown highlights. His skin has always been on the olive side.
Penelope had blueish-grey eyes at birth, which have changed to a greenish-grey that seems to be sticking. She had a MUCH fuller head of black hair at birth, and now it is almost at her shoulder blades, and a true auburn with red and gold throughout. Her skin is much more fair than her brother's.
Wyatt rolled over at 3 months, crawled and sat unassisted at 6 months, pulled up and cruised at 7 months, and was walking on his own at 11 months.
Penelope rolled over at 6 months, was a master roller by 8 months, but is not crawling yet. She loves to stand (but does not pull up yet), and is a wobbly and relunctant sitter if given the chance to stand.
We used to call the bug Quiet Wyatt until about 2 years old. He hardly ever cried as a baby, was not much of a babbler, and didn't talk much until he was sure he could do it correctly (as with everything - he is a perfectionist).
Penelope makes herself heard, that is for sure. She already chimes in on conversations with lala's, dada's, baba's, or just bubble blowing and general noisemaking. She also bangs on things and is trying to clap!
Wyatt LOVED to giggle and was very easy to make laugh uncontrollably (still is, silly boy). He loved patty-cake, peekaboo, and tickles.
Penelope is much more serious, and seems to consider us gravely before deciding whether something is funny or not. She does not giggle uncontrollably. Rather, once she has decided something is amusing she will laugh until the novelty wears off and then look at us as if to say "Is that all you got?" Wyatt likes to make a game of getting her to laugh by trying different silly antics. He's actually the one out of all of us that can tickle her funny bone the easiest.
Wyatt HATED baby food, and pretty much refused to eat it because of the texture. Once he was big enough for bits of food though, he chowed down. He is quite particular though, as he prefers broccoli and octopus over macaroni and cheese or pb&j.
Penelope cannot get enough of baby food, and loves everything I give her. When I gave her Cheerios for the first time, she nearly hyperventilated with excitement! Her eyes became globes in her head as she reached out her arms, her body shaking, her hands waving wildly, and as I rained them down upon her tray, her fingers closed with precision around that first 0, bringing it smoothly to her open mouth as if she had done it a hundred times before. (Definitely much more fine motor oriented than her big bro was.)
Wyatt was very attached to me, but also loved to socialize with other people and was very easy going in that respect. He loved to be held, but was also very determined to move on his own from an early age.
Penelope seems to have had stranger anxiety from day one. She is getting a little better, but she definitely prefers Mama. She likes to lean her head against my shoulder when I hold her (which is very often) and sometimes will curl her legs up, clutch me tightly, and protest loudly when I go to put her down.
Penelope is currently 26 and 3/4 inches long, and 18 lbs. She's a chunk. Just like Wyatt was.
When I gave birth to Penelope, I felt sure that our family was complete. For all practical purposes we had already agreed that 2 kids was what we wanted. Lately though, my dreams have been filled with visions of us as a family of 5. In my dreams, another little girl is in the fold, not much younger than the Pea...
Maybe it's because we decided to leave our options open. Maybe it's because some friends are pregnant, and others are planning to be. Maybe it's me not wanting to say goodbye to this (baby-making) phase of my life.... Whatever it is, I am so grateful that I have been able to be home with my children as much as I have. Two kiddos or three, it's such a Gift to be a Mom!
Here are some fun comparisons:
Wyatt had greenish-brown eyes until about 4 months, and then they turned brown. He had sideburns and what we called a full head of black hair at birth. It gradually grew in and turned brown. It was fairly thin and silky until we started shaving it, and now it is a thick brown mop with some lighter brown highlights. His skin has always been on the olive side.
Penelope had blueish-grey eyes at birth, which have changed to a greenish-grey that seems to be sticking. She had a MUCH fuller head of black hair at birth, and now it is almost at her shoulder blades, and a true auburn with red and gold throughout. Her skin is much more fair than her brother's.
Wyatt rolled over at 3 months, crawled and sat unassisted at 6 months, pulled up and cruised at 7 months, and was walking on his own at 11 months.
Penelope rolled over at 6 months, was a master roller by 8 months, but is not crawling yet. She loves to stand (but does not pull up yet), and is a wobbly and relunctant sitter if given the chance to stand.
We used to call the bug Quiet Wyatt until about 2 years old. He hardly ever cried as a baby, was not much of a babbler, and didn't talk much until he was sure he could do it correctly (as with everything - he is a perfectionist).
Penelope makes herself heard, that is for sure. She already chimes in on conversations with lala's, dada's, baba's, or just bubble blowing and general noisemaking. She also bangs on things and is trying to clap!
Wyatt LOVED to giggle and was very easy to make laugh uncontrollably (still is, silly boy). He loved patty-cake, peekaboo, and tickles.
Penelope is much more serious, and seems to consider us gravely before deciding whether something is funny or not. She does not giggle uncontrollably. Rather, once she has decided something is amusing she will laugh until the novelty wears off and then look at us as if to say "Is that all you got?" Wyatt likes to make a game of getting her to laugh by trying different silly antics. He's actually the one out of all of us that can tickle her funny bone the easiest.
Wyatt HATED baby food, and pretty much refused to eat it because of the texture. Once he was big enough for bits of food though, he chowed down. He is quite particular though, as he prefers broccoli and octopus over macaroni and cheese or pb&j.
Penelope cannot get enough of baby food, and loves everything I give her. When I gave her Cheerios for the first time, she nearly hyperventilated with excitement! Her eyes became globes in her head as she reached out her arms, her body shaking, her hands waving wildly, and as I rained them down upon her tray, her fingers closed with precision around that first 0, bringing it smoothly to her open mouth as if she had done it a hundred times before. (Definitely much more fine motor oriented than her big bro was.)
Wyatt was very attached to me, but also loved to socialize with other people and was very easy going in that respect. He loved to be held, but was also very determined to move on his own from an early age.
Penelope seems to have had stranger anxiety from day one. She is getting a little better, but she definitely prefers Mama. She likes to lean her head against my shoulder when I hold her (which is very often) and sometimes will curl her legs up, clutch me tightly, and protest loudly when I go to put her down.
Penelope is currently 26 and 3/4 inches long, and 18 lbs. She's a chunk. Just like Wyatt was.
When I gave birth to Penelope, I felt sure that our family was complete. For all practical purposes we had already agreed that 2 kids was what we wanted. Lately though, my dreams have been filled with visions of us as a family of 5. In my dreams, another little girl is in the fold, not much younger than the Pea...
Maybe it's because we decided to leave our options open. Maybe it's because some friends are pregnant, and others are planning to be. Maybe it's me not wanting to say goodbye to this (baby-making) phase of my life.... Whatever it is, I am so grateful that I have been able to be home with my children as much as I have. Two kiddos or three, it's such a Gift to be a Mom!
What a beautiful girl! Happy 9 months :)