Today Wyatt had a playdate with his friend Camilla. They captured spiders in jars, helped me with yard work, and played superheroes and "tennis" with racquets and a whiffle ball. It was a good time.
After lunch, Norma (Camilla's mom) and I were chatting when we noticed how quiet it had suddenly gotten. Norma went to check on the kids (who had closed themselves in Wyatt's room) while I finished feeding Penelope and discovered the two sitting on Wyatt's bed. Wyatt had taken his shorts off. When Norma asked what they were doing they said,
"Uum... uuh"
Norma sent them outside thinking this would redirect them, and we had a good laugh about it. Time to institute the "door-open-and-feet-on-the-floor-at-all-times" rule, I said.
We peeked outside to check on the two lovebirds, but didn't see them gallavanting about. So Norma went in search of them again, and this time found the two in the side yard.
This time Wyatt had taken his underwear off as well.
Oh my.
Norma had a short talk with them about bodies, and said that if they were curious then we could talk about it. When they came in I told Wyatt it was fine to wonder about different body parts and have questions, but that we leave our clothes on when friends are over. The kiddos seemed fine with this, and went off to play again.
Now, we're not a particularly shy family, and Wyatt has seen both of us in various states of undress. It's important to me that my kids are not ashamed of their bodies and are comfortable talking about it, so we've had little discussions here and there, but so far he's been satisfied with a "less is more" approach...
I guess it's time to take the talk to the next level when the kiddo starts exploring with friends though, right?
This evening I reserved two books at the library:

Here's hoping I don't scar him for life!
Oh my, that is classic. I agree, curiosity is totally natural. It's nice that the other mom didn't freak out. Good luck with "the talk"!