(*Sidenote: Jed complained that I did not note how hard he worked digging out the gardening space and wheelbarrowing 3 yards of compost to it. It's true, he did most of the hard labor. I would never have gotten it done without him. Thank you honey!)
Everything, from the 24 day radishes to the 65 day corn has sprouted! Wyatt and Manny already helped me thin out the radishes and lettuce sprouts. Wyatt and I munched on the tender radish roots and slightly bitter lettuce seedling leaves as we worked. Manny wasn't so much into that... :)
We have just a few casualties where the birds pecked out some of our cucumber seeds, and the cats relocated part of the corn seeds with their digging so that there's a slight jog in the rows. Not bad, to start though! We'll see where the season takes us. (This week I plan to reseed the radishes and get to work in the front. No, I haven't gotten there yet. I will though!)
The garden looks neat and tidy this year with everything in rows, which is how I always assumed it was best to plant veggies. My sister Kerstin though, is reading Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway right now (a book I intend to borrow when she's done) and she said planting with a more natural order in mind is more conducive to a productive and healthy garden. Her garden this year is keyhole shaped.

Next year I think I will try something new. I do hate that we lose so much good soil space to paths between rows. Of course nature would present a more efficient flowing option! I would love to achieve a lush, fertile garden that doesn't seem so stiff and orderly! Even if I can change it up to a raised bed design like Jane's garden in It's Complicated:

*photo courtesy Google Images
(Can I just have her spanish-style ranch please? Oh, and her job as a wildly successful baker?!)
This year though, I am just happy to have a full kitchen garden growing successfully! I can't wait to start reaping the rewards - starting with those radishes! Yum!
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