Well, it took three weeks, but Wyatt's very first tooth that ever grew in fell out on Tuesday!
It was a bittersweet moment for Mama and Daddy as we realized just how much our little Sherriff has grown. When I held that little tooth in my palm, it looked so tiny! I remember thinking he looked kind of goofy as a baby when that first tooth grew in. It looked big and clumsy in his sweet little mouth, and it took me a couple days to get used to it.
Now, the tooth has been pushed out to make way for an even bigger tooth! Can you believe it? When Wyatt told us it was loose at first, we thought it was too early. We thought he must have damaged the root while rough housing at a friend's house, so we took him to the dentist, and lo and behold, the xray taken at the beginning of this year showed his ADULT teeth inching their way to the surface! At age Five!
(Wait a minute - WHAT?! Isn't it supposed to be a year or two off yet?)
Wyatt, of course, was ecstatic when it fell out! He and I had tried to pull it out with the whole string-and-door trick last week, but instead of pulling the tooth out, the string had just kept slipping off, which sent Wyatt (who was eagerly, and anxiously awaiting the big event) into fits of giggles every time. Then Tuesday, he just pushed on it with his tongue, and out it came.
Of course, the Tooth Fairy heard about it, and Wyatt discovered "Two monies!" this morning under his pillow! (Don't you love his innocence?) He spent the first 10 minutes of preschool yesterday showing everybody the new hole in his mouth. Hey, it's a big deal people!
This event coincides with another doozy - today is the Last Day of Preschool for Wyatt, EVER!
It's the end of an era.
No more will we walk (wagon-pull, or scooter) the 4 short blocks to play and learn and socialize. No more planning snack together when it's our day. No more "Mama, is it your work day or drop off day?" No more kitty hospital, dinosaur marching, or super hero family "car rides". No more of Teacher Anna's cool sensory table, or circle time stories and rhymes. I thought it was hard last year when Wyatt's best friend Kevin moved on to kindergarten ahead of him, but this year, sheesh... it's enough to make this mama cry!
Next year Wyatt will enter kindergarten. Don't get me wrong - we are very excited for this momentous occasion, but it certainly puts the last 5 years in perspective. My, how time flies! Before we know it, little Sweet Pea will be ready for preschool!
Oh boy.
It's true. Time stops for no man (woman, or child). No matter how hard we will it to stop; to go back, if only for just one sweet moment, please just one dear sweet moment, time keeps tickin' by. This is why I want to relish every memory, bittersweet or not. It's what life's about, right? It's too short not to, that's for sure.
You know, my dear driven sister Gab recently said to me that she was proud of an accomplishment recently made. That on her death bed, when she looks back at her life, making it to University is one of the things that she will be most proud of. I was so Happy, and PROUD of her that day. I have always looked up to her, and that day especially so. I thought to myself "You will make it there too one day, Jess". It's a good goal to have.
Then just yesterday, my Dad said to me that he realized recently just how much of life passed him by. How much he missed out on during all those years of working, working, constantly working... He is taking college classes now, and I think that's fantastic. He still encourages me to never give up on my education, and he's right.
Sometimes though I get tired of looking to the future, of constantly trying to be better, smarter, or stronger for some future I desire, while I am living my life right now. If I'm not careful, the best moments of my life will be over before I know it -
gone in a wink,
a breath.
I don't want to get to the twilight of my life and feel like my life was wasted wanting. I can live meagerly if only my life has meaning.
For me, that meaning comes in the form of building a happy, functional family. Of giving my children a solid foundation - all the love I have to give. I have to know that what I'm doing right now, being the best mom I can, is important too. I have to own that, truly feel it in the depths of my soul, because I never want my kids to feel resented, worthless, or unwanted.
"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." Mother Teresa
...And how's that for a rambling post, huh?
I love this post. Being a mom myself now, I completely understand how time can just pass us by and suddenly our little "slug" babies are rambunctious toddlers (or big kids going into Kindergarten). I agree, it is important to keep ourselves and our goals as mothers and wives but it is equally important to soak up every moment with our families; to show our perfect babies just how much they mean to us. I love this post.